Friday, April 1, 2011

Won’t You Join Me at the Cross?

This month we celebrate the Feast of Feasts, the Resurrection of Our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ, on April 24th. But before we can celebrate Pascha, we must journey through the rest of Great Lent and ultimately endure the mystery of Holy Week, when we listen as the Gospels recount the final days of our Lord’s Earthly ministry. No service of our Holy Orthodox Church conveys this awesome beauty and mystery better than the reading of the 12 Gospels on Holy Thursday evening. In fact the service makes up for more than 20% of our Holy Week Service Book, indicating just how crucial the service is to our journey.

Following each of the 12 Gospel readings we sing, “Glory to Your forbearance, O Lord, glory to You.” This response is unique to Holy Week, since throughout the rest of the year we sing, “Glory to You, O Lord, glory to You,” following the Gospel reading. There must be some significance in using the word forbearance, which is defined as patience, self-control, mercy, leniency, all words that reveal God’s action toward us as sinners, as He approaches His Cross.

During Holy Week the Church encourages us to “dig deep” into our souls and reflect upon our relationship with God with increased fasting, increased personal prayer, increased charity, and attending Church daily, as an offering to Him since we know all too well just how unworthy we are to be granted the many blessings He has given to us. The greatest blessing is life itself and eternal communion with Him in Heaven.

How can any of us dare to stand face to face with the Cross of Christ and suggest we somehow deserve what God has given us? We are all sinners and still God loves us and give us life. Isn’t that reason enough to praise His eternal patience with our poor judgment and daily life of sin? Despite our sinfulness He ascended the Cross for our salvation.

Make Holy Week this year a special time by setting aside each day and dedicate it to Him. Come to Church each evening and join together as we hear the beautiful words of the Gospel and Christ’s final days on Earth. Make a special effort to reflect upon your spiritual journey and take advantage of the services of the Church: Holy Confession, Holy Communion, and Holy Unction – all three vital and important elements for our salvation.

Great Lent and Holy Week are not for the fainthearted, but the Feast of Feasts, Holy and Great Pascha, is worth the struggle. He suffered for our salvation. Won’t you join me at the Cross?

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