Friday, December 20, 2013

No Greater Gift on Christmas

Christmas isn’t about presents, but it is about gifts, one gift really. The gift of eternal life from God is freely given to each and every person who believes in their heart and confesses with their mouth that Jesus Christ is the Only Begotten Son and Word of God. But as with any gift given to us, we must receive it before we fully understand what affect the gift will have for our life.

When we receive a new phone for Christmas, we know what affect it will have on our life.
When we receive a new outfit for Christmas, we know what affect it will have on our life.
But when we receive the gift of eternal, do we really know what affect it will have in our life?

The gift of eternal life, made possible because the Son of God was born of a virgin and laid in a manger for our salvation, has a greater affect on our life than any other gift we could ever imagine.

When we receive the gift of eternal life, we know that the suffering of this world is temporary.
When we receive the gift of eternal life, we know that God’s peace will fill our heart.
When we receive the gift of eternal life, we know that we can be forgiven for our all our weaknesses.
When we receive the gift of eternal life, we know that there is no greater gift on Christmas than Christ.

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