Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Why Do So Many People Have to Suffer?

On the third Sunday following Holy and Great Pascha, the Church reminds us of the reality of pain, suffering and death in this world. In the story of the pool of Bethsaida (John 5.1-15) and the miracles accomplished by St Peter (Acts 9.32-42) we learn of God’s purpose for miracles. We all know, by first-hand experience, that MOST do NOT receive miracle healings by the Lord, although sometimes Holy Scripture gives us the misimpression that miracles are common everyday experiences. When the Lord DOES intervene with miracles, it is for a greater purpose than mere physical health. We don’t need to fear sickness and death. Miracles, and suffering by default, are to lead us to find the Lord and embrace His Good News for a brighter future. Then we must heed the warning of our Lord, “Go and sin no more,” lest someone worse befall us.

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This Week’s Sermon also airs DAILY AT 12NOON and 7pm Eastern on Transfiguration Radio at http://myocn.com/players/florence.sc/ or our mobile player at http://myocn.com/players/florence.sc/m/

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