As summer comes to a close, and vacation season is coming to
an end, it is a nice reminder that even Jesus took some time away for prayer.
According to the Gospel of Matthew, we hear that just after feeding thousands
of people with just a few loaves of bread a couple fish, He sent the Disciples
on to their next location, while He went to the top of a mountain to pray by
Each of us needs some time for reflection and prayer. Our
society has grown increasingly busy to the point that many of us forget about
these important quiet moments when we can pray without the distractions of the
world. This is one reason we incorporate a daily “Alone with God” time during
our Metropolis Camps and Retreats. We all need a few minutes by ourselves to
pray to God....and then to listen for His voice.
I invite you, in the coming weeks as your family looks ahead
to the “Fall Schedule” to make a better effort to include time at Church
throughout the week for prayer and reflection. At the Church is the only place
we can be free of the distraction of our busy schedules, so we can hear God.
This week is an excellent opportunity to “get started” as people will gather in Church each evening for Paraklesis to the Theotokos. But don’t stop with
this week, and don’t limit your time in Church to just Sunday morning. Each
week, throughout the year, Churches offer worship services and times for fellowship and Bible study. They do this for YOU to find
that important time for prayer and reflection. I pray you will take advantage
of this gift.