Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Neither do I condemn you – John 8.11

ew Testament Challenge – Day 36
John 8-14

How often we get wrapped up into our own superiority that we seem to forget that we sin just as much as the next guy. Of course we say that, but in the context of today’s readings would we mean it? In the reading of the woman caught in adultery Christ challenge those who desire to stone the woman, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.” (John 8.7)

Here is where the Orthodox Christian understanding of sin is helpful. ALL SIN IS THE SAME in the sense that all sins separate us from God. Whether we lie, cheat, steal, murder, lust…etc, we sin. If Jesus had said, “Let him who has never lie to protect his reputation, throw a stone at her first,” then maybe some would have stayed to throw stone. As it was, “those who hear it, being convicted by their conscience, went out one by one, beginning with the oldest even to the last.” (John 8.9)

In these last few days before Christmas, maybe a “gift” could be “walking away” from judgment of others. After all…..are WE without sin?

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