Friday, April 3, 2015

Is Jesus Christ YOUR King?

It was just six days before His death when Jesus entered Jerusalem to claim His victory. It was six days before the crowd would chant “crucify Him!” It was just six days before the crowd would pledge their allegiance to Caesar crying out, “We have no king but Caesar!” It is difficult to imagine what goes through someone’s mind when they seemingly “switch sides” in just a matter of days. The days between Palm Sunday and the Crucifixion are days of turmoil, deceit, and good ole fashion “back room politics” which creates a tidal wave of public emotion. Was Jesus their king or not? Of course, He was and still IS.

You might sometimes wonder how you might react to such political pressure. Would you be strong enough to go against the crowd and remain loyal to Jesus Christ? Holy Week is an opportunity for you to test your loyalty to Jesus Christ. Just as in the days before Jesus’ Passion, society today is filled with a tidal wave of turmoil, deceit and politics that is meant to distract you from the truth of Who Jesus Christ is, God Incarnate! How will you fare this week?

Each evening this coming week, the Church has invited you to put the world aside, enter a dark Church and spend time at the side of YOUR King as He prepares for His final battle against death. Each evening this coming week, the Church has invited you to declare your loyalty to Jesus Christ AS KING, and commit to spend time in Church. Each evening this coming week, YOU have a chance the stand up for your faith in Jesus Christ, by being willing to politely decline other invitations for your time, so that you can be in Church.

Each evening this coming week, YOU have a chance to declare YOUR KING. Will it be Caesar or Jesus Christ?

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