Thursday, January 9, 2014

One of Those Days

Today has been one of those when I found myself absorbed in my work. After being out of the office for several days (since Christmas really) I finally found an opportunity to get some "busy work" done in the office. For a Priest,  these are the days you glance at your list of tasks and "close your door" and get it done. And I did just that.

The same can be said for our spiritual life. We often go through, yes WE, periods when we neglect our relationship with God. It might be as simple as forgetting to pray at night because we've had a long tiring day, or it might have been a long time since we've been to Church. Either way,  at some point we recognize that we have let things "pile up" unattended.

Believe it or not, whether in the office, or your spiritual life, the solution is the same: you put aside the distractions and get it done. So today I got a bunch of office work accomplished that I had been putting off, and I am able to begin tomorrow "caught up" (almost anyway) so I can focus on the one-to-one ministry that is so crucial.

So, if you have some things in your spiritual life that you've been neglecting, maybe you just need one of those days when you put aside the distractions and just get it done. Declare a personal retreat day if you need.

You'll be able to begin the next day refreshed and ready to meet the Lord.

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