Monday, September 5, 2011

Good Thing Job Wasn’t an 21st Century Evangelical Christian

The other day I was listening to a Christian radio broadcast of Dr Charles Stanley as he was talking about tithing. I listened attentively since I also preach the biblical and traditional truth of the tithe to God in thanks for the many blessing He has given us. I was disappointed however in the premise that if someone tithes he will be overly blessed financially by God. As if God is some sort of ATM machine. I’ve heard this before though since the “Gospel of Prosperity” has gained such prominence in the American Evangelical Christian scene. The premise is simple: we tithe and God makes us rich. In Dr. Stanley’s recent broadcast, , this point is made quite clearly.

Unfortunately this message, though very popular in America, misses the mark when it comes to what God has always promised.  The Lord guarantees our basic sustenance, since we are of much more value than the sparrows of the air, but wealth? With statements like “Deny yourself and take up your cross,” we are hard pressed to see such a guarantee for prosperity in the Gospel. In fact the message is just the opposite. We get rid of wealth to show our loyalty to God and our willingness to trust wholly in Him. Just tell someone who struggles financially even though they tithe that God is making them wealthy…..Do you think Job thought God was pouring down wealth over his head? It’s a good thing Job wasn’t an Evangelical Christian…he may never have endured the temptation by the devil.

Follow Christ and be willing to be poor for theirs is the kingdom of God. "I say to you that it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven." (Luke 19.23)

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