Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It’s Day Four….How’s Your Resolution?

I was driving through town last night and noticed the full parking lots at all the fitness centers along the way, so I thought I would touch base and see how our New Year’s Resolutions were going. I challenged you in the past few posts to be more committed to your relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. Many of us gladly make such a resolution every year, but as the days go by more often than not we fall back into old habits in terms of our faith practices.

Its days like today that while things are still fresh in our minds we must make certain efforts to alter these behaviors so that new habits form. The Church has forbidden fasting since Christmas and we have taken full advantage of the feasting prescribed by the Church. Tomorrow, however, is a strict fast day, as we return to the daily discipline of our spiritual struggle.

Its days like today that we need to look at our calendar and ask ourselves, “What specific steps have we taken to live a more committed life to Christ?” Tomorrow is our chance to begin that new journey with fasting and attending Church. Tomorrow is the Forefeast of Theophany (Epiphany) and the day is honored with services and blessings of the water and Divine Liturgy. If you were one who made a commitment to live closer to Christ in 2011, tomorrow’s your chance to put your actions where your resolutions are…..plan to be in Church tomorrow and Thursday for Epiphany.

In the ancient Church Epiphany was celebrated as a greater feast than Christmas. If you consider we took vacation days to celebrate Christmas, why not follow suite with the Feast of Theophany? Find a Church and

Be Transfigured! and live a new life in Christ!

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