Thursday, September 9, 2010

If God Said It, It Must Be True – Let the Healing Begin

Throughout history God has revealed to the world that He means what He says and that just because He says something will happen, it will. There are three very similar examples of where God’s logic conflicts with our worldly logic. Abraham, Joachim and Zacharias were each old men when God declared to them that their wives would have children. In each case so long as the men believed in God’s promise a child was born. We know these three children to be Isaac, the Theotokos, and John the Baptist. In each case God proclaimed a truth and it came to be and life came into the world.

There is another famous instance when God declared sometime to be true that required faith. In the Old Testament we read in Numbers 21.4-9 about the Jews and their struggle in the desert. Because of their unbelief, “so the Lord sent venomous serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and many of the people died…Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Make a serpent for yourself and put in on a signal pole, and it shall be, if a serpent should bite someone, when the one bitten looks at it, he shall live.’” Its difficult to imagine that merely looking at a copper serpent on a stick would cure the poison of a snake, but “it happened, when a serpent bit anyone, and he looked at the copper snake, he lived.” (Numbers 21.9)

This testimony of faith should be an inspiration to us. God has declared that if we believe Jesus Christ and “confess with your [our] mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your [our] heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you [we] will be saved.” (Romans 10.9) It’s just like the Jews in the desert. It might sound impossible, but God said it, so it will come true. All we need to do is believe it…and then ACT ON IT!

We have all been bitten by the serpent, the devil, and we are all in need of some healing – whatever healing that may be. If believe God will heal us, He will. Why not put our faith in Him and let the healing begin?

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