Thursday, March 18, 2010

We Will Be Comforted

Christ said to His disciples, “You will indeed drink the cup that I drink, and with the baptism I am baptized you will be baptized.” (Mark 10.39) These are not words of comfort for any Christian. In two weeks we will gather in the Church each night and witness the Passion of Christ as presented in Holy Scripture. When Christ says we will suffer like He did, however, it was not meant to make us afraid. Instead He was reminding us that in our baptism we are united to Him. He, being God, has lowered Himself and associated Himself with us, His simple creation.

It is in this unity with Christ that the words of the Gospel are comforting because He also said, “and the third day He will rise again.” (Mark 10.34) In reminding us of how we are united in Christ in suffering He is reminding us that we are united to Him in His Resurrection because He came “to give His life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10.45)

My Brothers and Sisters, Christ came so that we might be united to Him in Heaven. Let us embrace our unity with God because He has conquered death for ever. Even though we may suffer we take comfort in knowing that all suffering eventually ends and is replaced by comfort in Heaven with God if we identify ourselves with Him.

Take the opportunity this year during Holy Week and come identify yourself with Jesus Christ! The future rewards are much greater than the current struggle.

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