You wake up every morning running at full speed even before
getting out of bed because you already know there are more things you need to
accomplish today than you have time to finish. But every day you wake up
committed to working hard for your family’s needs, and you don’t stop until the
moment your head hits the pillow, and the next day begins all over again before
you are even finished with today. The sense of exhaustion is real. Just when we
are at our most exhausted moment, the Christ calls to us, “Let’s go, there’s
more to do.” Just then you beg God, “Please, don’t ask me to do more.”
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Just a Bit More...
We live in a busy society. Our day never seems to stop from
the moment we wake until the time in which we finally lie down to sleep,
normally MUCH later than we would hope. We live in a multi-task society in
which we are expected to always be thinking about work and how we are going to
accomplish the next task on our agenda. We live in a society in which if we
dare to spend a few moments to reflect upon the “greater things of life” we are
considered lazy. When rest does come at the end of the day, you are finally
able to reflect upon the joys of life. Just then, you get a call: “Get up, go
back to work, you have more to do before you can sit down!”
I wonder if that might have been the reaction of the Disciples
when Jesus came to them that fateful day and said, “Put out into the deep and
let your nets down.” (Luke 5.4) They must have been very frustrated since they
had, like so many of us, worked all night long and needed a moment of rest. And
Jesus knew their frustration when He blessed their efforts with a catch larger
than they expected. Their willingness to “go just a bit more” was honored by
Many times, just when we think that we can’t possibly do one
more thing, the Church calls out and challenges us to go just a bit more. We
are asked to fast when we struggle just to put food on our table. We are asked
to come to special Church services when we struggle just to get to Church on
Sunday morning. We are asked to read the Bible when we struggle just to find a
few moments to catch up on the important news of our world. And the Church
wants us to “go just a bit more?”
The blessing of a great catch was possible only when the
Disciples were willing to “go just a bit more,” and the blessing God has in
mind for us are only “just a bit more” away, but we may never know those
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Desire, Struggle & The Cross
The Christian path to salvation is freely given and must be
freely embraced. Jesus said, “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny
himself, take up his cross and follow Me.” (Mark 8.34) In this invitation,
Jesus grants us the ability to choose to follow Him. For two thousand years,
holy men and women have desired Christ, struggled to deny themselves and
followed Christ. Orthodox Christianity is a “tried and tested” way of life that
will lead us to see God....IF we desire it.
Friday, September 19, 2014
What Sunday Worship is REALLY all About
In the year that King Uzziah
died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of
His robe filled the temple. Above it stood seraphim; each one had six wings:
with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet, and with two he
flew. And one cried to another and said: "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of
hosts; The whole earth is full of His glory!" And the posts of the door
were shaken by the voice of him who cried out, and the house was filled with
smoke. (Isaiah 6.1-4)
The majesty
which Isaiah witnessed when he saw God being worshipped in Heaven was also
expressed in the Temple which God commanded Moses to construct for His People
to worship Him on Earth. For a better description of how Moses was commanded to
construct the Temple, read Exodus chapters 25-28 all of which express the
majesty of God.
SAME majesty is expressed in Orthodox Christian worship. Golden candlesticks,
incense, Altars, Thrones, Vestments, precious metals and stone are all
integrated into Orthodox Christian worship for a reason – to prepare us for
being in Heaven.
Many Protestant
Churches today express quite a different atmosphere to their worship. Rather
than the majesty of heaven, many Church services Sunday mornings “feel” more
like a night club. Rather than bowing and reverencing the Altar of God, many
Church services Sunday mornings lift up the human passions rather than the
mantle of God. In fact many Christians validate this by using the expression “It
felt awesome today in Church!” or “I get so lifted up when I go to Church!”
On the
contrary Saint Paul and Saint John the Theologian had quite the different
reaction to seeing God being worshipped in heaven, much the same as Moses and
And when I saw Him, I fell at His
feet as dead. (Revelation 1.17)
And I know such a man -- whether
in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows --how he was caught up
into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which it is not lawful for a man
to utter. (2 Corinthians 12.3-4)
Orthodox Church has a centuries-long witness in the lives of countless holy men
and women who have had visions of God, ALL OF WHOM express similar stories as
we find the Holy Scriptures. So, if we are preparing as Christians to worship
God in Heaven for all eternity, why would we not express that same majesty in
our Earthly worship? Of course as Orthodox Christians, we do, are at least we should.
trend in mega-Churches toward the night club atmosphere is obviously attractive
to many in today’ entertainment culture, but does it REALLY prepare believers
for what is coming for all eternity? If God taught that the way to salvation
was in taking up our cross and denying ourselves, it would seem that Sunday
worship would focus, not on what makes us FEEL good, but the awesome majesty of
being in God’s presence. Would a believer, if they were in the presence of God,
REALLY worry more about feeling good than bowing in reverence at the Altar of
When you
come to Church on Sunday, please consider the REAL reason you are worshipping
God. If you are focused more on how you “feel” rather than being in His
Presence and glory, you may not be preparing yourself and your family for what
is coming in Heaven. Don’t you want to be prepared?
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Not Every Struggle Should be Embraced
When Jesus Christ said, “Whoever
desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, pick up his cross, and follow
Me,” (Mark 8.34) He was comparing our Cross to our Christian struggle. But does
God expect us to welcome every struggle? We all struggle, but not everyone
embraces their struggles nor should they. What types of struggles are we
expected to embrace if we are to follow Christ?
When we find ourselves in a struggle
that is beyond our control such as poor health or natural disaster, we would do
well to remind ourselves, that this sort of struggle is the result of our
fallen world, and is not necessarily punishment for poor behavior or a test
from God. Sometimes things just happen. These struggles should be embraced as
any other part of daily life and they strengthen us for tomorrow.
When we find ourselves in a
struggle that is the result of our Faith in Jesus Christ, either in the form of
temptation or persecution, we would do well to remind ourselves that the world
will forever fight against us to keep us from calling upon the Lord. We will
never avoid temptation or persecution so long as we are following Jesus Christ.
These struggles should be embraced as building spiritual muscles to fight
against the devil and our passions.
And then there are the struggles
that we bring on ourselves. We procrastinate. We eat poorly. We sleep when we
should be working. We work when we should be praying. We make all sorts of
decisions EVERY day that bring us struggle. HOWEVER these struggles should be
avoided because they are the result of our poor decisions. This type of
struggle is NOT your cross, but your consequence.
And THESE struggles can only be
avoided when we embrace the Cross and those struggles that strengthen our faith
SO THAT we can fight against temptation. Avoid the poor behavior and the struggle
fades away.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
There is Power in the Cross of Christ
Ever since finding the Precious and Life-Giving Cross of our
Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ in 327 C.E. the Christian world has lifted it
high for all to venerate as a sign of victory and power. The Power of the Cross
defeated death two thousand years ago, and the Power of the Cross is sufficient
for you to defeat your temptations and struggles. All you need is to accept the
Power of the Cross into your life, and live a new life in Christ.
Friday, September 12, 2014
Politics and Morals Don’t Mix
In a recent conference in Washington, D.C. a group gathered
to discuss the plight of Christians in the Middle East. It was held in
Washington, I suppose, with the dream that close proximity to our Nation’s
politicians would garner a certain amount of attention to the moral cause of
protecting an oppressed people. According to statements made by the organizing
committee, the discussion was productive. However, a US Senator, believing
(again I suppose) that American Foreign policy interests would be morally sufficient
for anyone to support the Nation of Israel, was booed off the stage by a
primarily Arab Christian group of people. Why?????because politics and morals
don’t mix.
In America it has become trendy to use expression such as, “Keep
your religion to yourselves,” or “Don’t force your religion on others.” In many
of these cases that I have experienced these expression are used in response to
a predominantly Christian moral being used as a basis for law. Of course the
most common moral issue debated nowadays is same-sex marriage. The Christian
Church (in general terms) has been characterized a gay-hating, middle-ages
loving, white men, which may actually be true in a few cases. But any objective
evaluation would reveal this is just not the case. In fact, if something is to
be voted upon, which is the American political way of assessing common moral
behaviors, how ANYONE chooses to come to their particular vote is a matter of choice.
This unfortunately is rarely the case. Why??????because politics and morals don’t
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Even within America, those who cry freedom of moral
oppression from one party, acknowledge that OTHER behaviors are CLEARLY not
acceptable. Polygamy, Incest, Child-Adult relationships, bestiality...ALL these
are just as taboo as homosexuality used to be, and YET, the LGBT community
continues to demand their independent right while denying anyone else to
ability to vote on the matter. Why???????you got it....politics and morals don’t
So what is the solution? God gives each human being the free
will to choose Him or to deny Him. We live in a society which allows for the
public debate and participation in the setting of common morals. It seems
pretty clear to me that LGBT issues are quickly becoming the “norm” while
bestiality etc are not. I accept that I live in a land that allows for such
freedoms to be manifest in the very laws of our nation. In fact, I am thankful
for the freedom this country does allow for. However, I think it is high-time
for both sides to concede they will not convince the other. In the meantime,
can we at least acknowledge that both sides benefit when we allow freedom to
That means.....if Christians want the freedom to not
support, participate in, or in any other way endorse same-sex marriage, we must
not forget it is that SAME freedom that allows others the choice TO marry.
Alternatively, if the LGBT community wants others to keep their religion to
themselves, they must not forget it is the SAME freedom they are attempting to
deny others in their choice. Freedom works both ways, and while politics and
morals don’t mix.......politics and freedom are a match made in heaven.
Excerpt from Saint Cyril of Jerusalem “Catechetical Lecture 13”
Cyril, prior to becoming Bishop of Jerusalem, had been charged with preparing
those for Baptism. These lectures were delivered in the (then) brand new Church
of the Resurrection in Jerusalem in 348 CE just two weeks prior to Holy and
Great Friday, most likely in the shadow of the True Cross of Christ which was
present in the Church from its finding in 327 CE until 614 CE when it was
stolen by the Persians. It was restored to the Church in 628 CE. The Feast of
the Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross of Christ on
September 14th commemorates both the original finding and its
Let us not then be ashamed to
confess the Crucified. Be the Cross our seal made with boldness by our fingers
on our brow, and on everything; over the bread we eat, and the cups we drink;
in our comings in, and goings out; before our sleep, when we lie down and when
we rise up; when we are in the way, and when we are still. Great is that
preservative; it is without price, for the sake of the poor; without toil, for
the sick; since also its grace is from God. It is the Sign of the faithful, and
the dread of devils: for He triumphed over them in it, having made a show of
them openly (Colossians 2:15); for when they see the Cross they are reminded of
the Crucified; they are afraid of Him, who bruised the heads of the dragon.
Despise not the Seal, because of the freeness of the gift; out for this the
rather honor your Benefactor.
Hymn of
the Cross
Save O
Lord Your people, and bless Your inheritance. Grant victory of the faithful
against the adversaries of the faith. And protect Your people, by Your Holy
of the Cross
You were
lifted up upon the cross of your own will, Christ our God. Grant your mercy
upon the people that bear your name. In your strength make glad the Orthodox,
giving them victory over their adversaries. May they have your alliance as a
weapon of peace, and an invincible trophy.
Find the complete "Catechetical Lectures" of St Cyril HERE
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Divorce is Still Broken
In a recent Huffington Post article
about “blended families” I came across this opening quote, “Just because your
family has been through a divorce does not mean it is broken. In fact, it's
quite the opposite.” I cannot disagree with this statement strongly enough.
Even IF you don’t agree with the Orthodox Christian understanding of marriage,
how divorce can EVER be considered anything other than broken is beyond
logical. But then again, I don’t look to the Huffington Post for logic,
especially when it comes to Christian ideals. But hey....did you notice I had
to use the term “Orthodox Christian” understanding of marriage? We can’t even
say “Christian” anymore since a growing number of Christians are fleeing from
the Holy and Sacred Traditions of the Faith.
But, more about why I am so upset about this article. First,
by way of disclaimer, my parents never divorced, so I don’t have FRIST HAND
knowledge of what it means to grow up in a broken family. BUT that doesn’t mean
I haven’t seen the pain and struggle, especially of children, in the wake of
divorce. One friend, speaking with someone who’s father had died said, “At
least you have a grave to visit.” Her parents were divorced and what she had
known as a father in her family was no longer a realty. Who would DARE tell her
that her family was not broken?
In our fallen world, we are tempted to continually
rationalize away the pain, struggle, and brokenness of the world. The result is
a false sense of security that we are “wholesome” to borrow the hash tag from
the Huffington Post article. If we are not broken, then we have no need for
healing. If we do not need to be healed, then....who needs God anymore? But
there’s one problem...
And when we feel the pain, which is quite real, we can’t
reconcile the pain we feel with the lie that we are not broken. In the book “Generation Me” author Jean Twenge,
points out that once we encounter the TRUTH that we are broken, despite the
promises of society, we can’t cope. One
reason she offers for the large number of medicated and depressed young adults
in America, is this often life-threatening realization that we have been lied
to our entire life.
So, please....if you really love your friends and families
who have struggled, are struggling, or will struggle, with divorce (or any
other brokenness of our fallen human state)....please have enough love and
compassion for them by telling them the truth. “Yes Johnny, the family is
broken, but God still loves you, and the love of God can soothe any pain in
your heart.” have to admit something is broken before He can help.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Don't Allow Pain and Suffering to Distract You from God
Sometimes the pain of life can seem unbearable. Sometimes
you are tempted to dwell upon your pain and suffering rather than the promise
of God that you will live forever. The reality is, despite all the pain and
suffering in this life, God promised that so long as you keep your focus on
Him, you will not only be healed, but will live forever. Are you ready to trust
God enough to not allow your pain and suffering to distract you from His
Monday, September 8, 2014
The Irony of Osteen
In past couple of weeks Christians have been “jumping on the
bandwagon” (including yours truly) and condemning recent remarks from Victoria
Osteen about what’s “really” going on when we worship God. Major bloggers and
Christian media outlets have included scathing remarks from fellow Christians
calling the Osteens heretics and warning well intentioned Christians from
following their ministry. But I find it more than a bit ironic that Protestants
are warning ANYBODY about following another Protestant. I’m actually not
surprised, THUS the title for today’s blog.

The IRONY....
The inherited sin of the Reformation, a statement with which
I can agree, carried to its logical conclusion is: Every Christian has the
ultimate right to determine for themselves the interpretation of the Holy
Scriptures and Faith of the Christian Church. This practice is what gives “legitimacy”
to as estimated
43,000 Christian denominations worldwide. Take away the individual right to
“your own” interpretation, and all you are left with, is the Orthodox Church.
No surprise there.....
This is why I find it dripping with irony that ANY
Protestant would dare suggest that the Osteens are heretics. By what authority
does this condemnation rest? With their OWN private interpretation; thus the
vicious cycle repeats itself with the number of denominations growing every
I have been asked why I am so worried about Joel Osteen and
other like him. In short, my immediate concern is for those Orthodox Christians
in my parish who “follow” Osteen and others, which allows the heresy to trickle
into their own faith practice and ideals. It isn’t uncommon to find Orthodox
Christians defending Osteen with comments such as, “His messages are GREAT! I
follow him every day,” or “His is a great motivational speaker. God wants us to
stay motivated, doesn’t he?” Well....yes and no. The sort of motivation God has
in mind is for us to be motivated to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, rather than
building up riches. The Gospel is replete with references to sin in regard to
focusing on the self. If motivation is focused on the self, it is not heavenly

So where does that leave Osteen? It is obvious his teachings
are not Orthodox. At the very least, Orthodox Christians should avoid paying
ANY attention to him and his false teachings. At the most, we should help our
friends, if we indeed love them, to step away from his incorrect teaching of
the Gospel of Christ. In the end, we will all be accountable to God for our
teachings and beliefs. Otherwise, God is going to cal to us, “So then, because
you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.”
(Revelation 3.16 – more irony......the opposite result of John 3.16)
Friday, September 5, 2014
Rollercoasters and Incense
The other day, while discussing the painful reality that so
many Orthodox Christians “just don’t enjoy being in Church” I was asked an
interesting question. “Father, if you ask children which they would prefer,
going to the amusement park or doing homework, which one do you think they
would choose?” OF COURSE they would choose the amusement part, so would I. The
problem with this question, all too common to the struggle of Church
attendance, is a false option. Let me explain...
And there lies the false choice. Orthodox worship is NOT a
rock concert. It is NOT a light show. It is NOT even a sermon, though we do
preach. But the false choice is much more than just the style of worship.
Orthodox worship is HEAVEN ON EARTH, where we are graced to physically become
one with God through the Holy Eucharist. Orthodox worship is directionally
opposite from this form of Protestant Worship. What do I mean by directionally
Rather than asking our children if they would prefer the
adrenaline of an amusement park to homework, maybe a better question would be, “Do
you want to be with God?” If so.....forget the rock concert and go to Divine
Liturgy. The real problem is that most Orthodox Christians are still comparing
the “fun factor” of our worship to the excitement of Protestant worship. And
that’s just a false choice.
There is a campus (they don’t use the term perish) of New
Spring Church in Florence that after only six years (the same tenure of my time
in Florence) has grown to over 2,000 every Sunday. They are currently building
a brand new multi-million dollar church complex that literally dwarfs the bank
next door. The Worship experience of this particular Church has become quite
popular in Evangelical Protestant circles, with rock music, light shows, no dress
code expectations, and a sermon. BUT.....there is no preacher in Florence. That’s
right; the “featured” sermon is ON SCREEN from the mother campus elsewhere in
South Carolina. Others have characterized the Sunday worship as attending a
concert. So, it should come as no surprise that youth (and adults who wish to
pretend they’re still youth) flood in from all directions to attend a weekly “free”

Where we as Orthodox direct our attention, characterized in
the fact that the celebrant clergy FACE THE ALTAR, is toward God. Protestant
worship is directed inward toward the self. We speak to God. We sing to God. We
bow to God. We worship God with the proper understanding that we are in the
presence of His glory. Protestant worship speaks to the heart and, by design, seeks
the rush of adrenaline, which explains the “I just FEEL good when I leave that
Church” emotion of Protestants. What examples do we have to follow?
Moses hid his face. Exodus 3.6
Isaiah cried out in fear. Isaiah 6.5
John the theologian fell to the floor as though he were
dead. Revelation 1.17
Orthodox Christian worship is based upon this example of
humility in the face of God. And YET, we are allowed to approach the chalice
standing face-to-face with God to receive His most precious Body and Blood into
our very bodies. Orthodox Christian worship is a foretaste of how God is being
worshiped in Heaven as witnessed by Prophet Isaiah and Saint John.
They didn’t see rock bands. They didn’t see light shows. Of
course this should be obvious, but they DID see an Altar, golden candles
sticks, smoldering incense, majestic robes, pious processions, praiseful
singing, and bowing....lots of bowing. These are the characteristics of
Orthodox Christian worship, as they were Jewish worship before us, SO THAT we
can prepare to spend eternity doing the same thing in heaven.
Life isn’t about feeling the rush of adrenaline storming
down the hill of a rollercoaster. Life IS about preparing to worship God in
Heaven. Worship isn’t about feeling the rush of adrenaline during a rock
concert. Worship is about offering God incense and bowing at His glory before
the His Altar.

It’s time to exchange rollercoasters for incense.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
You Can’t See Heaven if You Stare at the Earth
Jesus said, “If I have told you earthly things and you do
not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?” (John 3.12) When
Christ speaks about earthly things, He is speaking about the things that give
us pleasure, in other words our passions. For example: if we focus upon our
material wealth, we are focusing upon earthly things rather than heavenly
things. Jesus said, we can’t successful accomplish both. So......we have to
make a choice.

Jesus again said, “For God did not send His Son into the
world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.”
(John 3.17) When we spend our time staring down rather than UP toward God, we can’t
see His Cross. When we spend our time staring at the wounds of life rather than
UP at the Cross of Christ, we can’t see Christ calling us to heaven. So....we
have a choice to make.
Which way will YOU look?
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